Our Lady Crystal

Our Lady Crystal Show Profile

Our Lady Crystal Show


Meet the Producer​

Lady Crystal Johnson is the show host of Our Lady Crystal and founder of the Family Love Outreach Ministries.  She is the new First Lady of New Bethany Outreach Ministries with her husband Pastor Andrew E. Johnson, Sr., recently married in December, 2022.

New World Network is excited to welcome their new ministry together and to see what God will do through them in this season.  Lady Crystal is a talented musician, singer, and community activist, always promoting the need for unity, prayer, uplifting community and love, to heal and build strong families.

Watch Lady Crystal in 2023 as she brings Family Love Outreach Ministries to the Our Lady Crystal Show weekly at 9:00 AM PST.


Visit OUR LADY CRYSTAL ON DEMAND CHANNEL LISTING to see previously aired shows.

Watch Our Lady Crystal’s KWANZAA SHOW SPECIAL.

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