AI Unleashed: Brace Yourself for Tomorrow's New World

AI Unleashed Show Profile

AI Integrated Into Daily Life

The AI Unleashed Show


  • Los Angels County Wildfire Emergency Continues Into the Weekend

    The wildfires in Los Angels County continue to burn and destroy property. The update to the property damage is staggering, making it the second largest disaster in California history, second only to the Camp Fire in Northern California that destroyed over 18,000 structures. As of Friday Los Angeles County reported over 12,000 destroyed structures, and sadly, eleven confirmed fire related deaths. Amidst this tragedy, Los Angelinos have come together across the County to help fire victims. From makeshift clothing giveaways, to animal and pet resources, to businesses giving away or discounting food, hotel rooms, and transportation services, this tragedy has brought the community together, neighbor helping neighbor. Here are some resources that may be helpful to share with others: (From MSNBC) This list of free and discounted resources for fire victims includes food and clothing giveaways, lists of free and discounted hotels, and financial resources. Musicares, a nonprofit safety net…

  • Windstorms Spark Unprecedented Weather Disasters In Los Angeles County

    Hurricane force winds sparked an unprecedented weather disaster in Los Angeles County, California on Tuesday January 7th, 2025. Since then five major firestorms have impacted communities throughout the County and has sadly claimed the lives of five people. The disaster started in Pacific Palisades, the largest community impacted, that has now spread to over 17,000 acres of land, destroying thousands of structures including homes, businesses, schools, and churches. This firestorm impacted entire communities in Pacific Palisades and Malibu. The Eaton Fire, is the second largest community hit by the firestorm in Altadena, impacting over 10,000 acres of land including over a thousand homes, businesses, schools, and Houses of Worship. The Hurst Fire in Sylmar impacted 855 acres, the Lidia Fire impacted 350 acres, and the Sunset Fire impacted 40 acres of land in Hollywood Hills. The fires called for mandatory evacuations in all of these cities impacting over three hundred…

  • Devastating Wildfires In Los Angeles County

    Hurricane force winds, super low humidity, and dry brush from the drought was the combination for a perfect storm to ignite a firestorm today that is now decimating entire communities in Los Angeles County. The storm started in Pacific Palisades with one hundred mile per-hour winds carrying flaming embers for miles. Within the first twelve hours hours it was clear that this storm will become historic as communities began evacuating throughout Los Angeles County. For more information about how this firestorm can impact you or your loves ones, visit the following resources for evacuation notices, shelter locations, power outages, health alerts, community resources, and more. Call 2-1-1 toll free or visit Some important notes to consider: Get your Go-Bag ready ahead of time. Get copies of your important documents including identification, medical prescriptions, insurance papers, laptops, cell phones, cell chargers, password files, and emergency contacts. Personalize the list…

About AI Unleashed

Imagine a world where AI (artificial intelligence) is seamlessly integrated into every aspect of our lives – from our schools and hospitals to our governments and homes. A world where AI doesn’t just assist us but transforms the very fabric of society, creating opportunities and challenges we’ve never seen before. That’s the world explored in Lady Hamilton’s AI Unleashed.

The “AI Unleashed Show” is a continuation of the journey started in Lady Alicia Hamilton’s book, “AI Unleashed: Brace Yourself for Tomorrow’s New World,” taking audiences through this transformative landscape, from the birth of AI in the 1950’s, to the commercial release of ChatGPT in 2022.  The “AI Unleashed Show” picks up from AI’s integration in modern society, and the possibilities for living harmoniously with machines in the future.  Each episode takes a deep dive into the impact of AI on humanity, bringing scientists, leaders, and critical thinkers to present and discuss how AI is being integrated in their fields of expertise.

Understanding AI is no longer optional; it’s essential. Whether you’re a student, a professional, a policymaker, or just curious about the future, the “AI Unleashed Show provides insights that are not only fascinating but also crucial for navigating the coming changes. The “AI Unleashed Show” guides audiences to prepare themselves, their families, and their community for the AI-driven future.


The “AI Unleashed Show” is more than just an exploration of technology. It’s a call to action. It challenges audiences to think critically about the ethical implications, the societal changes, and the personal adaptations we’ll all need to make. It encourages viewers to become a part of the conversation, to engage with these technologies responsibly, and to ensure that the future we build with AI is one that benefits everyone.

About Lady Hamilton:

  • Lady Hamilton received her Doctorate in Humanities from the United Graduate College and Seminary International, a United Nations Affiliated Institution, an MS in Communications from Prescott University, and she studied at the University of Southern California School of Arts and Sciences with a concentration in Faith Leadership and Administration. 
  • Lady Hamilton served in ministry with her late husband, Rev. Dr. Alexander Hamilton for twenty years, as the 1st Lady of Philadelphia Community Fellowship and Community Missionary Baptist Church, bringing streaming technology to expand ministry outreach.  
  • She was the Former State of California Chair and Executive Board Member of ADDI (the African Diaspora Development Institute), a one-stop shop for everything African, under the direction of Her Excellency, Ambassador Arikana Chihombori Quao, MD. The Institute unifies the African Diaspora’s collective global brain trust to build a strong, prosperous, and self-sustainable Africa while fortifying the bridge between Africa, the Americas, and the world in alignment with African Union Agenda 2063.
  • Lady Hamilton Co-Created and launched  the ADC (African Diaspora Congress), providing a voice for the voiceless to address injustice and human rights throughout the African Diaspora.
  • Lady Hamilton served as the Fmr. AU PADWA Western Region Chair, USA (African Union Pan African Diaspora Women’s Association) during H.E. Chihombori-Quao’s tenure as the African Union’s Ambassador to the United States representing the 55 countries of the African Union.
  • She is the founder of PAC RED (Preparation & Awareness for Community Resiliency in Emergencies & Disasters), a Nonprofit Organization providing emergency preparedness information, training, and resources to promote community sustainability and resiliency during emergencies and disaster events. During her presidency, PAC RED trained thousands of residents in underserved communities on emergency and disaster sustainability. The PAC RED Organization was honored at the White House during the Obama Administration for Building Resilience with Diverse Communities awarded by the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) White House Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
  • PAC RED served as a United Nations Global Compact Partner supporting the 17 UN SGD’s (Sustainable Development Goals) with an emphasis on Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.
  • Additional service includes; Community Action Partner for the DHS White House Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, the Governor’s Office of California Volunteers EF-17 Group, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, the Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management, the City of Los Angeles and City of Compton Departments of Emergency Management, the University of California Los Angeles, the University of Southern California, American Red Cross Faith Based Coordinator Volunteer Liaison for the West Coast Region, American Red Cross Community Ambassador, the Los Angeles Interfaith Clergy Coalition, Emergency Network Los Angeles, Lifetime member of the Black Emergency Managers Association, Faith Sector Leader for the Los Angeles Emergency Operations Center’s BOC (Business Operations Center), and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team).

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AI Unleashed: Brace Yourself for Tomorrow’s New World

Available Now On Amazon Kindle, Hardcover, and Paperback
