Our Media Community Membership
Support and Sponsorship



The New World Network Media Community is part of the Universal Citizens Media Family of Networks, Channels, and Stations.

New World Network is the OTT (Over The Top) media hub for the Universal Citizens Media Family streaming anytime, anyplace, anywhere In a world with Internet connectivity.  Technology has made us more connected than ever, and the media’s influence on culture is undeniable. From the way we communicate to the values we hold dear; media shapes our perceptions and interactions on a daily basis.

In an era where misinformation can spread like wildfire, having access to reliable and accurate information is more crucial than ever. Our dedicated team of producers, citizen journalists and experts work tirelessly to bring you stories that matter, shedding light on issues that often go unnoticed.  From in-depth investigative reports to insightful commentary, we cover a wide range of topics, including technology, science, culture, politics, edutainment, and more. By embracing diverse perspectives, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

You can contribute to making a difference by joining our media community and supporting this movement to contribute positive, thought provoking, truthful, and socially conscious media to the world.


MAKE A ONE TIME CONTRIBUTION – Make a one time contribution to the Network.  

BECOME A VIP SUPPORTER – Subscribe now as a VIP Supporter and access exclusive content, get the first look at new releases, participate in polls, surveys, commentary, and new show development.

BECOME A MEDIA FAMILY MEMBER  – Take your story to the world as a Producer, Media Ambassador and/or Citizen Journalist. Members receive discounts on all network services and products.

  • Producer – Submit your program or show for broadcast consideration.
  • Media Ambassador – Represent your nation’s, country’s, tribes, or community issues and concerns that may not make mainstream news, but is important to you.  We care and we will share!
  • Citizen Journalist – Contribute to the global conversation on Citizen’s Speak.
  • TIM Team – Join our International team of investigative reporters who seek out truth, debunk conspiracy theories, and pursue peaceful resolutions to conflict, misinformation and disinformation. 


Content Provider/Channel Owner Membership Levels:  Members receive discounts on all network broadcast and promotional services.

PREMIERE VIP MEMBER: $300.00 –  The Premiere VIP member broadcast package provides exclusive access to network news and information, business opportunities, upgraded media modules, and special pricing on services. 

BUSINESS AND ORGANIZATION MEMBER: $150.00 – The Business and Organization member broadcast package provides special pricing and offerings to support business and organization broadcasting and promotional services.

INDIE PROFESSIONAL MEMBER: $75.00 – The Indie Professional member broadcast package includes special pricing, offerings, training, and services that support Independent producers, storytellers, and artists production and promotion.

FAITH BASED / CHURCH / FBO / NPO Member: $50.00 – The Faith Based, Church, FBO / NPO member broadcast package includes special pricing, offerings, and services that support media ministries on The Revelation Network.


Circle of Angels (TRN):

  • Faith Donors – Donate to support the ministerial works on The Revelation Network and at The Gospel Institute.
  • Prayer Partner – Join The Revelation Network prayer lines and stand with the saints praying for peace and healing.

Contributions to the DAPP Emergency Preparedness programs, initiatives, and The Gospel Institute missions are tax-deductible.


Buy AI Unleashed, Brace Yourself for Tomorrows New World

AI UNLEASHED, Brace Yourself for Tomorrows New World – Lady Alicia Hamilton latest book release takes audiences on a journey from the birth of AI in the 1950’s, to the commercial release of ChatGPT in 2022, to AI’s integration in modern society, and the possibilities for living harmoniously with machines in the future. “AI Unleashed” takes a deep dive into the impact of AI on education, science, medicine, finance, media, the arts, faith, agriculture, and government. Each chapter paints a vivid picture of how AI is reshaping these fields, backed by real-world examples and futuristic scenarios. 

Understanding AI is no longer optional; it’s essential. Whether you’re a student, a professional, a policymaker, or just curious about the future, “AI Unleashed” provides insights that are not only fascinating but also crucial for navigating the coming changes. This book is a guide to preparing yourself, your family, and your community for the AI-driven future.

For a limited time you can get a personally autographed hard cover or soft cover edition of AI Unleashed, Brace Yourself for Tomorrow’s New World here on New World Network while supplies last. You will also have the option to be added to the AI Unleashed show mailing list and receive exclusive announcements and new releases about artificial intelligence.

SPONSOR AND ADVERTISE:  Contact Us for Rates and Media Kits

Sponsor and/or advertise your product or service across our platform.  Your brand will gain a proud association with positive, truthful, conscientious, notable, worthwhile, media and imagery that brings light, love, and healing  to the world.


 Sponsorship Categories
  • Network Sponsorship – Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze sponsorship levels with benefit across our media platform. 
  • Show Sponsorship and Advertising – Sponsor and advertise on individual shows, programs, special events.
  • Thematic Initiatives – Sponsor a specific theme or initiative across the platform.
  • Indie Producers – Sponsor the work of a Independent Producer whose work you love.
  • Product Placements – Place your brand imagery during show / media production.

Join New World Network - where peace, truth,
and global unity come together.

Audiences can access New World Network on Roku, Android TV, NWN.tv International OTT platform, all mobile and handheld devices (smart phones, iPads, tablets), computers, and smart tv’s anytime, anyplace, anywhere in the world with Internet connectivity.

We Demonstrate Sincerity

By sharing fairly in our engagements with intentions that have winning outcomes for all participants.

We Demonstrate Integrity

By presenting information and stories as factually and in context with the truth as humanly possible.

We Demonstrate Accountability

Through oversight of our media community by members and management to maintain a private and conscientious media collective.

We seek peace for all humanity

…and believe this is possible with humility and respect.